Monday, December 30, 2019

Apple And Corporate Social Responsibility - 1629 Words

20501210 PHIL215 ASSIGNMENT 2 November 26, 2014 1900 words Apple and Corporate Social Responsibility As an evolving technology company, Apple is one of the most successful companies in history. In today’s society, we cannot live without Apple products such as the Pad or IPhone. Apple s success has come at a high cost with regards to safety to the workers of Foxconn, a supplier which makes products for Apple and plenty of other tech giants. As a result, some workers have committed suicide and many riots and fights have broken out. The main moral issue in this case study is whether Apple is responsible for the mis-treatment of Foxconn Employees. In this paper, I will use the moral theories of rights-based ethics, moral relativism, and moral universalism as well ethical views from well-known authors Jacobsen and Friedman to explore where Apple s moral responsibilities should lie. There is no doubt that the conditions at Foxconn are unfortunate, and ought to be improved; however in my opinion I believe Apple is not morally responsible for the mistreatment of Foxconn Employees since Friedman and Jacobsen argue the social responsibility of Apple should not include charitable actives such as supporting Foxconn employees and since what is right or wrong varies between different cultures according to the principle of moral relativism. For a long time now, there has been much debate over the social responsibility of a business. Friedman is one of the most influentialShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibilities Of Apple Inc2191 Words   |  9 Pages Apple as a company is seen to be innovative, leading edge and radical in their approach to improve technology and people’s life. Many would assume that such an advanced company would also be advanced in their management philosophy, namely acting as global citizens and improving the lives of those they engage with. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Hamlet Essay - 599 Words

The Revenge of Prince Hamlet nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, is a wonderfully written play that has many tangled webs of lies, betrayal, and revenge. The play starts off with the death of Hamlets father, the king. One night Hamlet sees the ghost of his dead father. The ghost speaks to Hamlet and tells him that he was killed by Claudius. Claudius, who is Hamlets uncle, has recently become the new king and as well married Hamlets fathers wife, Gertrude. Prince Hamlet devotes himself to avenging his fathers death, but because he is contemplative and thoughtful by nature, his heart is not fully in the deed, and he delays, entering himself into a deep depression and strong apparent madness.†¦show more content†¦Instead Gertrude takes a drink from it and is swiftly killed by the poison. Laertes then succeeds in wounding Hamlet, though he does not die of the poisoned sword tip immediately. Laretes is cut by his own sword’s blade, and, after revealing to Hamlet that Claudius is responsible for the queen’s death, he dies from the blades poison. Hamlet, in a angry rage, stabs Claudius with the poisoned sword and forces him to drink down the rest of the poisoned wine. As Hamlet dies he mutters the words quot;...the rest is silence.quot; (Act V, Scene v) These four words let the audience know he has succeeded at accomplishing his revenge. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shakespeare uses revenge as a major motif in this play. He uses these motifs to successfully try and bring a moral outlook to the plot. He also brings in these factors to try and connect the play to the audience. In doing this the audience can look at a broad topic and relate that topic to his/her life. In making revenge such an important factor in this story Shakespeare has made the reader think about vengeance and contemplate how to use revenge in there life as well as bring the question of morality into it. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hamlets quest for revenge created many problems for him throughout the play. One must contemplate the fact that if he just let it go he might still be alive. But, in his eyes his life wasn’t a factor in his pursuit for vengeance. This isShow MoreRelatedHamlet Madness In Hamlet1293 Words   |  6 Pages When reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a class, the first thing that most teachers or professors point out is the argument/idea of sanity, specifically Hamlets sanity. I believe that Hamlet is, in fact, feigning his madness. What I do not know is if I believe this because it is what I was taught or if I came up with the idea myself based on my own interpretation. When I was taught Hamlet there was no argument it was just fact that he was faking his madness. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Counseling and psychotherapy Free Essays

When two people are head-over-heels in love with each other, the immediate decision that comes up in each mind is marriage. Marriage is a very exciting phase in one’s life. It challenges one’s capacity and ability to handle responsibilities (responsibilities for the children’s education and future and the obligations of spouses with each other especially in their sexual life) for the future family that will be made by two people united in marriage. We will write a custom essay sample on Counseling and psychotherapy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some people will just get into marriage without any apprehensions what might be the possible problems that will arise in the family; especially the young people who are very impulsive to get into it. Yes, the relationship would be abnormal and boring if there is no testing and crises; thus, it is usual for the marriage life to have problems because problems strengthen the relationship. But how about if the problem arises is regarding the sexual incompetence? What if one’s partner is not satisfied of what the other partner is doing or having a trauma in the past related to sex? Is there any solution for this? There are many factors why sex problems arise. Some of these are lack of sexual desire, problems with erections, premature ejaculation and retarded ejaculation, lack of orgasm in women, painful intercourse, vaginismus, and sexual trauma (see Boulware, Carol. â€Å"Sex Therapy: Is it for you? † 2006). In this present generation, there are many broken marriages occurring because one of the reasons is the sex incompetence of the present partner. It cannot be denied that there are couples who quarreled so much because of the â€Å"sex† issue but how can this problem be resolved? Due to this problem, experts present the counseling and psychotherapy in marriages to resolve the problems specifically in their sexual life. These kinds of treatments really help the marriage work well. The purposes of this study are to: (1) know what the difference between psychotherapy and counseling is and; (2) recognize how counseling and psychotherapy help the marriage who has sex problems. II. Discussion A. Psychotherapy and Counseling Most of the time, counseling and psychotherapy are terminologies that frequently interchange when used. Actually, counselor would refer to advisor and it includes two individuals working together in order to provide solution for the dilemma. It is a treatment that has several types in giving advices (see Schimelpfening, Nancy. â€Å"What is the difference between Counseling and Psychotherapy? † Psychotherapy 101, page 1). This would mean that counselor provides solutions to the couple who has sex problems by conducting a study related to case presented by the couple. Moreover, a licensed professional counselor named Deborah Reeves stated that: â€Å"A well-trained therapist understands the difference between counseling and psychotherapy. In counseling the therapist focuses on the â€Å"here and now† reality situations and helps one become better equipped to deal with various life situations† (see Reeves, Deborah. â€Å"Differences between counseling and psychotherapy. Healing-Minds. com). On the other hand, psychotherapy denotes as the therapy of emotional and mental sickness. Psychotherapy includes a procedure, a connection between a patient and a therapist. A psychotherapist is an individual that is very good in: ? Listening the client carefully and sincerely ? Reflecting sympathetically ? Suggesting some views ? Giving comments and advices ? Assisting the client/clients to search and discover other options ? Guiding the client/clients in exploring the depths of experiences and emotions (see Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. † Psychotherapy and Relationship/Marriage Counseling†. Mental health Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004). These qualities of the psychotherapist help the married couples solve their sexual problems by tracing back what are the reasons behind why they encounter such dilemmas in their sex life. The psychotherapist sets different goals in order to identify the reasons why the marriage encounters sex problems. The psychotherapy will: first, develop insights regarding the sex problems of the couple; second, learn to communicate more efficiently to the client/clients; third, learn to work out the interpersonal and internal incompatibilities; fourth, manage to lessen or relieve signs of emotional disturbances that may possibly be the reason why sex incompetence arises; fifth, alters actions and activities to develop relational, social and vocational functioning; sixth, client’s personal growth and improvement and; the last one is, rebuild the client’s life due to faulty sex experiences in early life (see Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. â€Å"Psychotherapy and Relationship/Marriage Counseling†. Mental health Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004). B. how do counseling and psychotherapy help marriage with sex problems? Marriage counseling is also known as couples’ therapy which assist married couples recognize, realize and work out the conflicts and develops their relationship. Marriage counseling and psychotherapy provide the couples the methods to make their communication better, understand differences, solve the problem and have a discussion in a healthy way. Marriage counseling is usually provided by therapists that have licensed who are called as marriage and family therapists. Moreover, majority of the marriages are not perfect. Every individual has his own values, principles, and personal background in the relationship and more frequently, those characters do not always go with the partner’s character. Furthermore, marriage counseling can help the marriage life in dealing many issues especially in the marriage-sex-life that can create pressure in the relationship. Generally, marriage counseling normally put together the couples in joint therapy sessions where the counselor or therapist assists the couples identify, recognize and understand the root cause of their sex problems and attempt to solve them. Both spouses will examine and analyze the good and the bad sides of their relationship that affect their sex drives. In this case, the marriage therapist or counselor will not show biases in any of the sides in the conflicts (see â€Å"Marriage Counseling: Working through relationship problems†. MayoClinic. com, tools for healthier life. October 17, 2006). Moreover, as mentioned earlier that psychotherapy is a process of treating emotional or mental sickness by means of chatting which concern the client’s condition and other issues that are related with a mental health expert. It is also called as talk treatment, psychological therapy, counseling or just therapy. Same in counseling, psychotherapy sessions also help the couple able to learn regarding the root cause of their sex problems so that they can understand it, find out in how to pin point and change thoughts which influence their sex life, look for better methods to overcome and work out the sex problems and find out to established practical objectives for their sex life (see â€Å"Psychotherapy: An overview of the types of therapy. MayoClinic. com, tools for healthier lives. October 17, 2006). b. 1 Sex Therapy Sex therapy is a specialized and virtuous treatment procedure to dilemmas of sexual expression and function. In a current research of the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that 3 out of 10 men and 4 out of 10 women have undergone sexual dilemmas. The problems that usually arise for men are the premature ejaculation, low sexual desire and dysfunction. While for women, the sexual problems are with arousal, pain through out the intercourse and low sexual desire. These kinds of matters are needed to be treated to avoid deeper problem that may lead to separation or divorce. Individuals or married couples look for sex treatment after they attempted to solve their sex problems yet failed (see Boulware, Carol. â€Å"Sex Therapy: Is it for you? † 2006). III. Conclusion Counseling and psychotherapy are such a big help to keep the relationship intact. It is really true that sex is one of the spices in a married life. Married people who have sex problems should not be hesitant to consult counseling and psychotherapy because it will help them identify and understand the root causes of their problem. They are also given suggestions and solutions that make their sex life more exciting and interesting. Bibliography: 1. Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. â€Å"Psychotherapy and Relationship/Marriage Counseling†. Mental health Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004. http://www. helpguide. org/mental/psychotherapy_relationship_marriage_counseling. htm 2. Schimelpfening, Nancy. â€Å"What is the difference between Counseling and Psychotherapy. † Psychotherapy 101, page 1. http://depression. about. com/cs/psychotherapy/a/whatistherapy_2. htm 3. Reeves, Deborah. â€Å"Differences between counseling and psychotherapy. Healing-Minds. com. http://www. healing-minds. com/vs. html 4. â€Å"Marriage Counseling: Working through relationship problems†. MayoClinic. com, tools for healthier life. October 17, 2006. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/marriage-counseling/MH00104 5. â€Å"Psychotherapy: An overview of the types of therapy. MayoClinic. com, tools for healthier lives. October 17, 2006. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/psychotherapy/MH00009 6. Boulware, Carol. â€Å"Sex Therapy: Is it for you? † 2006. http://www. psychotherapist. net/sextherapy/sex-therapy. htm#anchor520639 How to cite Counseling and psychotherapy, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Poetic form and language in The Pains of Sleep Essay Example For Students

Poetic form and language in The Pains of Sleep Essay The Pains of Sleep Is written In the first person present tense from the point of view of an urn-named narrator; which may (or may not) be the author. How;ever, the nightmares and sleep disruption described in the poem are symptomatic of withdrawal from opiate addiction, an affliction from which Coleridge was known to suffer, and it is prudent to assume that it is the poet who speaks in this poem. The use of a first person present narrative gives this poem an intimate, almost conversational tone and allows the reader to feel as though they are taking part In a dialogue with the poet. The version of the poem studied (see p 227-8, Owens and Johnson) contains no verses, however, there are clear turns of thought after lines 13 and 36 andfor the purpose of this essayI will use these turns as convenient stanza breaks . The poem is written, predominantly, In Iambic tetrameter of two stresses per foot and four feet per line. This tends to echo natural speech and strengthens the Impression of conversation between intimates. The first stanza comprises three rhyming couplets, a trace and two further rhyming couplets. These follow the rhyme scheme affectedness.. Lines 7 and 9 break the withy as they contain nine stresses and thus have hypercritical, feminine endings which allow the poets thoughts to flow smoothly. These lines also contain the alliterative phrases reverential resignation and sense of supplication which draws attention to the poets quasi-religious experience with sleep prior to the onslaught of his drug induced nightmares. The poet draws us in to the poem slowly and respectfully, pointing out that up until the previous night It hath not been my use to pray. He confesses that, despite his perceived weaknesses, he feels not noblest and this, together with the recertification of the virtues of Love, Strength and Wisdom, would seem to indicate that he felt the presence of something great and good all around him. The lines in stanza one are mainly end stoppedgiving them a sense of completenesswith the exception of lines 2, 10 and 12 which run-on to the next line. The enjambment of these lines creates a feeling of expectation and highlights the poets emotional state and low level of self esteem. This and the use of caesura In lines 4, 8, 11 and 12 shows the wonder the poet feels because (God) has not condemned him for his weakness. The final couplet in this stanza closes with a half rhyme (where/are) , creating a feeling of discord and frustrating the readers expectations. This functions as a platform from which to step from the tranquility of the first phase of the poem Into In the second stanza the pace of the poem quickens, emulating the rapid breathing and feverish imaginings of a fear induced state, as the poet describes dream battles with his demons. There are more run-on lines in this stanza (lines 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 31, 33 and 35), each emphasizing the poets confusion as he struggles with the referring images and ideas his dreams have conjured. The rhyme scheme follows the path ababcccddeeffghghiikkll. The first (line 14) highlights the torment that drives him to pray aloud for the first time, while the second (line 16) draws attention to the fiendish crowd of wild imaginings that devastate his sleep pattern. The inversion of the words (up-starting) at the beginning of line 16 also hints at the unknown nature of the nameless fears that assail him. The alliteration of thoughts that tortured is rapid and stuttering and evocative of the poet turning to find something that isnt there. The first four lines of the stanza form an ABA quatrain and pull us into the poets nightmares. Line 18 begins a trace whose alliteration of lurid light and trampling throng and assonance of o vowel sounds suggests surreal, nightmarish landscapes full of embodied wrongs against which the poet is powerless (line 21) and the caesura in Fantastic passions! Maddening brawl! (line 25) further highlights the uncertainty with which he views these images. Lines 27-30 take the form of an ABA quatrain. Whether these wrongs are done to the poet or have been done to him (lines 28-29) is unclear but, given the social unrest and injustice of the period, it is feasible that Coleridge may be expressing his own political sympathies unconsciously within his dreams and, although Coleridge was not present at the Petrol Massacre (SST Pewters Fields, Manchester) for exampl e, it is possible he feels complicit by reason of his own social status and previous political leanings. .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .postImageUrl , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:hover , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:visited , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:active { border:0!important; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:active , .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52 .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf1a4c96451d11d9d6248f63c0b467c52:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Analysis/ Practical Criticism "Auto Wreck" EssayThe alliterative (sibilant) line Life -stifling fear, soul-stifling shame (line 32) draws attention to the collective burden of guilt, remorse or woe he has chosen, rightly or Rooney, to take upon himself and marks a downward shift in the pace of the narrative. The Pains of Sleep uses binary oppositions (heaven/hell, weak/strong) to persuade and shape the readers response to the poem and the poet. Coleridge is inviting the reader to view him positively despite his own inner feelings of penitence. The final couplets of stanza two concern the effects the previous poor nights sleep have on the poet and both contain run on lines which help to slow the narrative and lessen the tension. The pathetic fallacy of night s dismay (line 33) as it saddened ND stunned the coming day'(Line 34) attributes feelings to night/day which they cannot hold, yet which may reflect the feelings of the poet as he wakes from his and marks movement to the third and final stanza. The third stanza begins with three rhyming couplets, followed by a quatrain and three further couplets. The first couplet almost repeats the metaphor of fiendish crowd found in stanza two (line 16), alluding this time to the dream the poet awakens from on the third night. This dream leaves him weeping as I had been a child and calls to mind an vision of a man broken by his experiences. The use of this simile at this point also evokes the idea of re-birth and regeneration as the poet assumes a milder mood. Once again, Coleridge uses alliteration to draw attention to the phrases sufferings strange and milder mood and, in particular, the word order inversion of sufferings strange highlights the torments these dreams have focused on the poet. The words depletes (line 44) and interesting (line 45) appear to be portmanteau words and a product of the poets own imagination, yet they have the effect of raising the importance of Coleridge own remorse and unclear conscience. However, the eighth tone and more sedate pace of this stanza also suggest that he feels that his nightmares are, perhaps, disproportionate to his part in the wrongdoing. Coleridge doubly protests his innocence in his lament but wherefore, wherefore fall on me (line 50) and this repetition suggests that he does not truly feel that he is innocent of blame. The final couplet of stanza three is a transcendent and poignant plea from the heart as the poet claimsin the romantic traditionthat love will absolve him of his sins, real and imagined.